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Harriet Chettleburgh – Founder

I’m a fully qualified Personal Trainer and British Triathlon Federation Level 2 Coach. As a Mum of two, having previously worked on the senior management teams of large businesses, I recognise the challenge of keeping fit and healthy whilst leading a busy life. I love to race and have represented Great Britain Age Group teams at World and European Triathlon Championships on several occasions. For the past 5 years I’ve been racing Ironman triathlons and qualified to race at the Ironman World Triathlon Championships in Kona, Hawaii for 3 consecutive years, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

I hope you’ll draw inspiration from my journey. Looking back over the years I was never completely happy with my pressured, corporate career in retail logistics. The long hours and stress took their toll, I didn’t see enough of my young children and husband – and struggled to find enough time to do the things in life I loved. My professional life was ultimately all about making money. I wanted to help people achieve goals which would really make a difference to their lives.

Autumn 2012 I quit my corporate career and started The Right Fit, to help people across West Berkshire achieve their health and fitness goals. For some, that means dropping a dress size, losing weight or toning up. For others, it’s about feeling better, coping with stress, or getting a good nights sleep. Sometimes it’s about achieving a sporting goal: a half marathon PB, their first triathlon – or playing football for a season without injury.

Impossible is nothing. I absolutely believe that and will remind you of it often! If you really want to do it, I’ll help you get there.


Natasha Bligh – Personal Trainer 

Natasha Bligh is a fully qualified Gym Instructor and Personal Trainer running Bootcamps, private group training and one to one sessions at our Bradfield Southend HQ. Natasha is also our Basingstoke partner, offering Personal Training, Group Training and Nutritional Advice in the Basingstoke area. 


Phil Baines – Personal Trainer

Phil is a fully qualified Gym Instructor and Personal Trainer at our Bradfield Southend HQ. Phil is a keen runner, a real outdoors enthusiast, loves walking up mountains, runs our popular Tuesday Bootcamps and trains many clients on a one to one basis too.
