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Triathlon Coaching

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Want to swim, bike and run faster? Improve your race performance? Qualify for the Great Britain Age Group team? Finish an Ironman? Or simply complete your first triathlon?

Whatever your goal, triathlon is an exciting sport which challenges us both physically and mentally. I love introducing new people to the wonderful world of triathlon and take great pleasure in helping newcomers to the sport embrace the swim, bike and run challenge!

I’m a British Triathlon Federation Level 2 Coach and have raced successfully over a range of distances since 2009. I’ve represented the Great Britain Age Group team three times in the past four years, achieving 9th place in the World Sprint Triathlon Championships in Budapest in 2010. I’ve raced Ironman triathlons for several years and qualified for the World Ironman Championships in Hawaii 3 times.

Call me for a chat about how I can help you with your swim, bike or run.

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